TWO Wheels Claims

We are delighted to have partnered with Two Wheel Claims who deal specifically with two wheel users; cyclists, motorcyclists and scooter riders who are vulnerable road users.
They have acted for hundreds of two wheel riders and live and breathe getting justice for clients through obtaining a fair amount of compensation and getting riders back on their bikes as quickly as possible.
They have a team of passionate two wheel riders and we are passionate about getting the best results for their clients.
Two Wheel Claims support local cycling clubs and also have an amazing Cycle of Life Project where they have donated over 100 bikes to local charities and vulnerable people in the past 6 months.
Cyclists, motorcyclists and scooter riders who are vulnerable road users and often accident victims do not realise they can claim for example if your ride is damaged by a pothole or you are involved in a hit and run and you didn’t get the registration of the car or hit by an uninsured car, you can still claim in all these scenarios.

Together, we aim to raise awareness of vulnerable road users and promoting safety.
They can also act for clients on other areas of personal injury including car accidents, accidents at work and medical negligence.
They want to get you back riding as quickly and with as little stress as possible whilst we pursue your claim.
You can contact TWC on accident @twowheelclaim.co.uk or call 0161 348 7586